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The following articles and mini-articles were written for 'Think and Stay Rich', a self-help service for entrepreneurs.

Why Having Confidence is Important For Growing Your Business

I have struggled with my self-confidence for a good part of my life. What I didn't know was that my lack of confidence that I had for myself was transferring over to my business! I didn’t believe in myself, so why would I believe in my work? When I finally started to make lifestyle changes, not only did I feel better, but my income doubled!

A lot of other entrepreneurs have this problem as well. They focus so much on their business, that they often forget to take care of themselves. It is hard to find the strength to believe in yourself, but it is necessary if you want to succeed. Samuel Jackson once said: "Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings"


Making sure your mental health is intact is vital if you ever wish to be successful. Don't sit back
and watch your business fail, when you can do something to stop it.

● Low confidence hurts more than just our mental health.
● Figure out what is holding you back, and tackle it head-on.
● Take the necessary steps to improve your health.
● Watch your business grow with your new-found self-appreciation!

Why you must control your subconscious mind.

I use to have such a hard time controlling my thoughts. I was very unsure of myself, and I would always wonder "Can I really do this?". When I found out the power that my subconscious had, I kicked those thoughts to the curb.

The subconscious is an extremely powerful tool. If you are having any thoughts, even in the back of your mind, that you won't succeed, that is what will happen. To succeed, you must believe that you will succeed, in your conscious and subconscious mind.

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.” — Joseph Murphy

No matter how much you want to be successful, if you don't control your subconscious, you will
always be holding yourself back.
● Truly have confidence in yourself.
● Train your subconscious to only have positive thoughts.
● Remove doubt.
● Know that you will get what you wish.

Don't follow the leader, be the leader.

We have been trained our whole lives to follow the leader, whether that be a teacher, boss, or peer. But, if you want to be successful as a person, you must learn to become that leader and listen to yourself alone.

Being a leader can seem scary. You have no-one to blame if things go awry, and people must
listen to you. You can't be afraid of any of this if you want to be successful. You have to be
strong, and definite in your actions. Make decisions smart and quick. Know that you can do it,
and nothing is holding you back.

Robin Sharma once said "Leadership is not a title, it's a behavior. Live it". Don't let someone else tell you what to do. Become a leader in your everyday life.
● Stop being afraid of your voice being heard.
● Take control of everyday situations.
● Make fast decisions that make sense.
● Live every day like you're a leader, because you are!

How do I Increase my focus because I get distracted very often?

Thanks to the internet and social media, it is easier to get distracted now more than ever. A lot of people struggle with getting distracted, so you definitely aren’t alone in this. I struggle with this as well. I’ll be extremely focused, then one notification makes me check my phone, and down the social media rabbit hole I go. So how to get past this?

Well for one, you can turn your phone on DND or Do Not Disturb. This feature is available on almost every device and is extremely helpful. Just go to your settings, enter the times you want to be distraction-free, and that’s it! If you are worried about missing something important, you can whitelist certain people/apps so that their notifications still come through. This tool is so useful, yet many people forget it exists!

The next thing you can do is set up your own mini-deadlines. Try breaking up your work into sections, and create a deadline for each section. For example, if you have three things to do, give yourself an hour to get done with the first task, 45 minutes to finish the second, and 1.5 hours to finish the third. This will give you just a little more pressure to get things done that you may not have had before. Make sure you are giving yourself enough time to finish the entire task, but also make sure that you aren’t giving yourself too MUCH time either! Giving yourself too much time will just make it more likely for you to get bored, and want to start doing other things.

Small Tasks
The last thing that I’ll suggest is focusing on small tasks first. Let’s say you have a 1,000-word paper to write. If you separate that essay into small chunks of 250 words per day, you will be more likely to finish that goal, than if you tried to sit and write the whole thing in one go. This is simply tricking your brain into thinking that you have less work to do. No matter what, the finished product is going to be that 1,000-word paper, but by breaking it up, you are setting achievable goals for yourself that you’ll finish with a breeze.


While these tips may help you stop getting distracted as often, you will still have those moments where you do get distracted. It is almost impossible to be distraction-free for an entire workday. So, don’t be too hard on yourself when you do slip-up. Find the cause of that problem and see how you can stop it from happening next time.

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